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Dear Mummies: Don’t Compare Yourself With Others

Updated: Jul 8, 2022

Customised, Treatment, Beauty, After Birth, Pregnant, Mummy, Tummy, Mummy Tummy, Fat Freeze, Loose Skin, Unique
Dear Mummies: Don’t Compare Yourself With Others
"If loose skin is so normal, why does it feel so abnormal?"

With so many Mummies coming out to talk about their personal experiences after birth, ladies these days are more informed on what to expect and what to prepare for. We know that it will take a while to get our body back after birth. Even so, we may not truly be aware and be prepared for the effort and discipline that is required to go back to our pre-pregnancy figure.

Dear Mummies, please do not compare yourselves with other mummies. Everyone’s journey is indeed unique and different to its own. A customized solution is required to optimize your postpartum journey. At Dreamline Bodyclinic, we do a complimentary consultation session to ensure that our knowledgeable therapists can recommend the best treatment program for you.

Our services are extensive – from Fat Freezing to BodySculpt to Mummy Tummy Diastasis Recti Treatment and more! Without a proper consultation, you may enter the world of treatment blind to all the possibilities that it may offer.

Reach out to us here to find out more on how we can be part of your postpartum journey. We only want the best for you. 💛

Dreamline Bodyclinic

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